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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Astronaut's stuffs! :B

Today I wanna share a bit about astronaut's stuffs. Like I said before, I'm too obsessed with astronaut's stuffs...
So... Enjoy, I think?

  • Yuri Gagarin made a 108 minute orbital flight in the Vostok 1 spacecraft, April 12th 1961.
  • In an address to a joint session of congress in 1961, President John F. Kennedy called for the U.S. to send a man to the moon and back by the end of the decade. Kennedy said, "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth."
  • Soviet cosmonaut, Alexei Leonov, performed the first spacewalk outside Voshkod 2 in 1965.
  • NASA uses the abbreviation EVA (extra-vehicular activity) interchangeably with spacewalk.
  • The Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) was used on three missions and assisted in retrieving two satellites before being retired in favor of tethered spacewalks.
  • When Apollo 11's landing module reached the lunar surface, Neil Armstrong's first words were, "Houston, Tranquility Base Here. The Eagle Has Landed." (The Eagle Has Landed is also the title of a heavy metal album, as well as a novel and a film set in World War II)
  • Of the 12 men who have walked on the moon, the last was Eugene Cernan of Apollo 17 in  1972. (I'll be the next person...)
  • ILC Dover, based in Delaware's Kent County, makes not just space suits but also blimps and containers for the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The tradition of eating baked beans and cornbread began with the launch of the first space shuttle mission in 1981.
  • Astronaut ice cream is freeze-dried, and much more popular with space museum gift shops that astronauts themselves, who took it on only one mission.
  • The 1994 Simpsons episode 'Deep Space Homer' included the voices of Apollo 11 lunar module pilot, Buzz Aldrin, and singer-songwriter, James Taylor.
  • In 2003, China became just the third country to put a human into space independently.
  • The U.S. has astronauts, Russia has cosmonauts, China has Taikonauts. Taikonaut, from 'taikong' (Chinese for space) and 'naut' (Greek for traveler), was added to the Oxford English Dictionary 2007.
  • The Cosmonauts Hotel's website proclaims, 'According to our visitors its become a clear that the Hotel Cosmonaut is the best hotel not only in the city of Karaganda, but also in Kazakhstan.'
  • Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic is selling short subortial rides on SpaceShipTwo for $200,000.
  • Elton John, Paul McCartney, Beyonce Knowles, and Michael Stipe of R.E.M. all recorded greetings to the crew of mission STS-135 and the international Space Station.
  • Laika (Barker), a female part-Samoyed rescue dog, proved in November 1957 that she could survive liftoff and weightlessness, but died during the mission. (Truly sad but amazing in the same time:''()
I know its a little bit boring for you guys to read it, but if you have an interest to become an astronaut, I guess that should be interesting...

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